Sunday, January 29, 2012

fat mum slim: February photo-a-day challenge

fat mum slim: February photo-a-day challenge


So I think I’m going through menopause. Did I mention I’m only 35? 

     My mood swings come out swinging almost daily. I yell at my girls, I yell at my dogs. They all run and hide, my cat, on the other-hand sees this crazy women as a challenge and toys with me.
     At about 9 am while settling down in my favorite chair, with my too strong morning coffee, and my Macbook Air to check the news (ok Facebook). Bam (my morning rival) jumped over me to get to the window with a loud purr-like noise. I was startled, dumping my too hot, too strong coffee all over my yoga pants. He then had the nerve to bat me on the head with his paw, then proceeded to run down the hall (laughing I’m sure).
    So the first sound out of my mouth this Saturday was a yell, “Bam!”. My neighbors must think I’m cooking Emeril style for breakfast. 
Again, I am not off to a good start. 
So, of course with any aliment bothering me I turn to google to doctor me.
    I find that increased sugar consumption gives mood swings, mental note, cut out sugar. 
I’ve done this before, eliminating refined sugars, and over time, you don’t even crave it anymore. easy.
   Outside stresses can cause mood swings such with menopause (I knew it!) and/or menstrual cycle (more likely), but also a lack of necessary vitamins might be the culprit.
   So I jot down the said vitamins to help aid mood swings. I learn B vitamins like ribofavin, B3 Niacin and B6 were important for proper brain and neurological function, and if you have a deficiency, thats when unstable moods and depression hamper down on you. Check.
 Zinc has a calming affect on the body and brain (cool).
  Magnesium is an important nutrient (found in dark leafy foods, whole grain & nuts) and a deficiency, has been shown in depressed individuals.
I go to the grocery store and stand at the vitamin section for at least 20 minutes reading the labels, looking for the “happy” vitamins. I narrowed it down to one that had extra vitamins for hair, skin & nails. AND it was buy one get one free. score!
I am on the road to happiness, with long hair, pretty skin and healthy nails!
   Later that night, still feeling moody, I make a beer (a happy vitamin) (Ok I lied) and movie rental run. On the way there I witness some serious road rage.
 A little white car somehow ended up next to this big, obnoxious SUV in one lane. The SUV stops in mid road, blocking the little white car and me. I nervously look in the rear view,  I don’t want to get slammed into! My blood starts pumping.
   The SUVs door opens, a huge man jumps out with arms that don’t go down when he walks. The little white car quickly goes around the SUV and speeds away (understandably). The big guy and his big car then speed after little white car, going so fast with actually bottoming out a few times on the hilly road. Poor little white car gets the red light and SUV slams on his breaks, door starts to open again, little white car quickly turns on the highway, probably heading further away from his destination.
   My heart was pumping fast, I was sure I was going to have to call 911. But as I got the the store, it got me thinking that there was no reason why that big guy should’ve gotten so mad. I thought about how my moods have been lately. My stress of losing my job before christmas and our lack of money. The stress of just being a mom to a 12 and and strong- willed 4 year old. Making dinners, cleaning, laundry, organizing bills, just everyday stresses that every mother has out there.
  I knew I had to calm down a bit, not get so worked up, like obnoxious SUV, and take one day at a time. I saw my family like little white car, trying to get away has fast as he could. I saw me, this big mean SUV with issues, that little white car had probably nothing to do with.
  So I will take my happy vitamins, cut down on cupcakes and Australian Licorice, continue my new found joy of doing at-home Pilates to burn stress and not get so worked up.
 Hopefully my mommy-rage with ease up, and my little family wont have to jump on the highway and head in the wrong direction.